Crimes per Hour in Dallas Texas 2014

Another analysis of crime data supplied by Dallas Open Data ( might be crimes per hour. The data provided by the Dallas Police Department might be used for criminal background checks, accident analysis, crime analysis, etc… this analysis involves finding the number of crimes per hour for 2014. The Dallas Police Department’s Record Management System

Crimes per Zip Code in Dallas 2014

I recently came across Dallas Open Data ( I’ve used other open data sources, such as NYC Open Data (, which at the time of this post has more data sets than Dallas, but hopefully that will change. The data provided by the Dallas Police Department might be used for criminal background checks, accident analysis,

Introduction to Data Science

Data Science and Big Data caught my interest during the last year of my undergraduate degree at UNT.  I took a Natural Language Processing class my jounior year, and after that first class, which was an undergraduate/graduate class, I became fascinated with the algorithms and endless potential. I decided to focus on Natural Language Processing for

Setup Asterisk to use SMTP with AUTH

If you don’t have your Asterisk sending your voicemails to your email because you don’t want to setup an SMTP service on you machine, you can use sendmail to transfer e-mail to another mail server. If sendmail is not installed, install sendmail yum install sendmail yum install sendmail-cf Change your current directory to the one

Convert HTML4 site to HTML5

Depending on your site’s purpose or use, HTML5 provide improvements and enhancements to HTML4. New Features Semantic Markup Some of the new features include tags that provide more semantic markup than HTML4. Tags, such as header, footer, and nav, article,  section are some of the new tags in HTML5, and the tags provide semantic meaning

Change Theme Template in WordPress

If you need to change the template for WordPress based on the category of the post/page, on whether or not the current post is a page or a post, etc…, then you want to use the action hook template_redirect. For example, you may want to use a variation of the following code: add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘your_redirect_function’); function

VoIP Spam Filter

Have you ever received the same voice-mail every week from an automated system? One that comes to mind is about renewing a warranty for a car that I never had. SPAM voice-mails on my cell phone is what inspired me to write a program that reads voice-mails and filters out SPAM voice-mails. The filtering process